Concussion Information

Bumps and bruises are part of growing up. Repeated concussions shouldn’t be. Playing soccer while recovering from a concussion can cause permanent brain damage. Please read the State of Ohio information on concussions. Following this new law, if your son exhibits signs of a concussion, he will not be allowed to play at all the remainder of that day, and can not resume play or practice until we receive a written ok from a doctor.

Please read and print the information, and refer to it if your son exhibits signs or symptoms of a concussion. Coaches need to complete a free online course.


To protect young athletes, the State of Ohio has passed a concussion law, commonly called the “Return to Play” law. This law imposes training, safety, and awareness requirements on all youth sports organizations, like Southeast Cincinnati Soccer Association, Inc.

Due to the significant health concern posed by the risk of concussions, and because of the Return to Play laws enacted by the State of Ohio, SCSA is required to institute the following requirements for its coaches, referees, and athletes and their families.

Training Requirements – updated July 2023

Each and every coach, trainer and referee must receive concussion training and that training must be renewed every two (2) years. Coaches and Referees can print out proof of successful completion of this training. A copy of this must be provided to SCSA.

Coaches and Referees may choose training from either the Center for Disease Control (CDC) or the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS). Both programs are free of charge.

National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS)

This option is easier to sign up and take but is more general.


  1. Select Ohio from the state drop down.
  2. Click the Order Course
  3. You will be prompted to Sign-In or Register.
  4. Click the Order Course button again.
  5. Click Checkout
  6. When prompted for who will be taking the course, select Myself
  7. Click: I agree checkbox and then Continue.
  8. Click blue Go To My Courses at the top of the Receipt Page. (This page can be accessed later by going to > Dashboard > My Courses.)
  9. Beside Concussion in Sports, click Begin Course

When you have completed the course, save the Certificate (PDF) and either print it out or mail it to:


These options are harder to sign-up but offer more targeted training.


  • Click Log In or Create Account.
    1. Click Create Account
    2. Enter login name / password / email address / name / zip code.
    3. On the next page, under Community of Practice, select HEADS UP Concussion Training.
    4. For Division of Business Unit, select: Local Agency By Region > Southwest Region > Hamilton County > Other
    5. Go to your Profile by clicking on your name in the upper right corner.
    6. Fill out the missing information under Manage Groups.
    7. For organization, use Southeast Cincinnati Soccer Association.
    8. For Professional Role, use Student or Volunteer
    9. For Work Settings, use Other > Rec Soccer
    10. First, click Save.  Then, AFTER CHANGES HAVE BEEN SAVED, click Cancel to go back to the training page.
  • Click Pre-Assessment to take the pre-test.
  • Click CONTINUE, then OPEN, then Start Training

When you have completed the course, save the Certificate (PDF) and either print it out or mail it to:,