From time to time, SCSA recognizes an individual who has made a substantial contribution to the youth soccer program in the Southeast Cincinnati area.
In 2019, Brian Berning was presented with the Schrandt award. About 12 years ago, Brian proposed a deal to the board: if SCSA would help with the tuition for an advanced youth soccer license, Brian would bring his knowledge back to the program by training our coaches. Every coach is invited to his training sessions before the spring and fall seasons, where they learn age-specific instructional games and a philosophy of keeping practices fun while working on foundational skills. He is also Director of Cincinnati United Southeast select soccer club, and a teacher at Seven Hills School. Brian is pictured with fellow SCSA board member Scott Gillard.

Brian Berning (left), winner of the Bill Schrandt award, with fellow SCSA board member Scott Gillard
We recognized Chris Daniels in 2018 for training referees for over 20 years. Chris has worked with both teens and adults interested in learning to call games. His students have gone on to call high school, college and professional games. Thank you, Chris, for giving our refs a start!
In December 2017, Tim Feldman was recognized. Tim is a long-time coach who won the Rec Soccer Coach of the Year for the Midwest region. As a long-time board member he has worked on referee development, training new refs, instituting a retraining program for returning refs, as well as representing SCSA at the local Ohio South council of programs. He has pushed to connect our program with FC Cincinnati, organizing the SCSA day at FC Cincinnati last summer. Thanks for all your hard work!

Tim Feldman receives the Schrandt award for his many contributions to boys soccer. Left to right: Jim Waldron, Todd Zech, Chris Hovde, Tim Feldman, Dan Ilg and Steve Wilson.
In December 2016, Chris Hovde was presented with the award. Chris joined the board in 2005 and has worked on coach training, the web site, team shirts and team photos, plus some refereeing and player placement. In 2016 he took over as president of the board. He is shown with former Schrandt award winners.

left to right: Todd Zech, Steve Wilson, Chris Hovde, Richard Pendleton, and Dan Ilg
In 2015, we recognized Richard Pendleton. Richard served on the board of directors from 2006 through 2015. During that time, he contributed greatly by serving (simultaneously) as head of player placement and as the player placement representative for several divisions. He returned to a second stint as head of player placement when his replacement was unable to continue. He continues to coach and referee games, and he plans to work as an advisor to the new head of player placement. Thanks for a decade of hard work!

Richard Pendleton (right) receives the Schrandt Award an a plaque commemorating his service on the board.
In attendance at the award banquet were three other winners: League President Steve Wilson, Vice President Dan Ilg, and Treasurer Todd Zech.

Schrandt Award winners Steve Wilson (1996), Todd Zech (2006), Dan Ilg (1998) and Richard Pendleton (2015).
Winners of the award include:
- 1978 S. Jackson Hubbard
- 1979 John C. Dacey
- 1980 Jim Tuke
- 1982 Barry Johnson
- 1985 Jim Martella
- 1986 Virginia Rodgers
- 1987 Biz Martella
- 1989 Linda Crawford
- 1994 Bill Bertram
- 1995 Wayne Hermann
- 1996 Steve Wilson
- 1997 Gail and Gary Goodpaster
- 1998 Dan Ilg
- 1999 Gretchen Willis
- 2006 Todd Zech
- 2014 Jim Waldron
- 2015 Richard Pendleton
- 2016 Chris Hovde
- 2017 Tim Feldman
- 2018 Chris Daniels
- 2019 Brian Berning